Happy Easter!
Feliz Pascoa! Frohe Ostern! ¡Felices Pascuas!
イースターおめでとう!Joyeuses Pâques!
With Easter as our theme for this month I continued the meeting with a presentation about my adventures when backpacking through Austria. One of many things I remembered about Austria was the gorgeous decorated Easter Eggs beautifully displayed on the windows of the shops in the streets of Vienna and Salzburg. I thought it would be a good idea to replicate these eggs in our meeting and the children would have some fun decorating them. Check out the pictures below!
Other highlights of Austria were the famous composers of course, the Waltz, the Danube River and the beautiful country side surroundings of Salzburg which provided gorgeous scenery for the locations of "The Sound of Music" movie.
No Easter party would be complete without an Egg Hunt, and although the weather wasn't great we still had loads of fun outside for our hunt. The kids were very good sharing all the eggs with everyone and in the end, as usual, we had our communal lunch, this time we laid blankets and had a picnic in the hall!
Enjoy the pictures:
Japanese presentation
Japanese Calligraphy

Let's find the countries on the map
Daniel showing pictures of Austria
Dancing the Waltz listening to Mozart and Schubert
Kids decorating Easter Eggs
Time for Egg Hunt!!
Easter Picnic!!