Tuesday 28 March 2017

Our Meeting at the Fusion Event in Kapiti

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What a great opportunity to be invited to be part of the Fusion Cultural Event organised by the Kapiti Community Centre. We met at the venue and we were immediately amazed by all the diversity of culture in one place - food, activities for the kids, music, dance, presentations and just a great vibe to be in and expose the children to!

The stage was filled with cultural presentations all the time and we were drawn to it from the very first moment we arrived there.

We found a corner though to start our presentation about Brazil, and although still quite loud from the music coming from the stage in the other room, the children were able to interact with the Brazilian History and cultural facts shared with the group.

We talked about Brazil geography, history including the indigenas and slavery, the Amazon, capoeira, music including the samba and our biggest national party - the Carnival. Ah! And of course our national sport - Soccer!!

After the presentation our group was able to go around all the stalls at the event and learn a little about other countries' culture. And the awesome variety of food!! It was a lot of fun to watch the presentations on the stage too, truly amazing to see so many international families living in Kapiti. Awesome!

Check the pictures below:

Nice welcome to the venue - Scottish Bagpipes!

Our Brazilian Presentation

The children enjoying other activities

Our group enjoying the shows on stage

All the awesome different culture at the event