Tuesday, 5 February 2013

February Meeting

Here is our first meeting of 2013! With the children getting so good at our Continents Game we decided to take a little trip to Wellington to visit Te Papa and learn a little bit more about the Continental Drift and how our planet used to look a few million years ago! It was great to see the children trying to find their own countries on the map which looked quite different from what they look like now. Thank you Te Papa for putting a presentation together for us and answering all our questions. Check out the pictures from the day below:

Meeting at the Hall for some games before going to Te Papa

"Match the Country with its Continent"!!

If we don't know where that country belongs we look at the map

 Great work guys!!


Where does this country go?

At Te Papa for a great presentation about Continental Drift and Tectonic Plates

Can we make an earthquake?

Are the Continents still moving?

Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Geothermal Activities are all caused by Tectonic Plates

A Giant World Puzzle!!

Nearly there....

All done!

Our March meeting will be loads of fun!! We are planning a Brazilian Carnival Party! Watch this space!

The International Children’s Group
invites you to a

    Brazilian Party

(with Mestre Perere)
.Arts & Crafts
(with Craft Garden)
(with Wellington Batucada)
.Face Painting 
(with Daisy Design)

and a second hand stall with baby and children’s

Come dressed up for lots of fun!
Saturday, 2nd March. 10am – 2pm
Uniting Church, Raumati Beach

Entry by Koha

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