This month we come back from holidays and let the children choose to talk about a country they went on holidays before. We talked about Dubai and Vanuatu. Two very different destinations, each with its own culture, food, and beautiful places to see and things to do.
My boys really enjoyed their time in Dubai last year. We stopped over from our flight when we were coming back from a long holiday in Brazil to meet Daddy in Dubai and then follow all together back to New Zealand. It was all fun and as you can imagine, a very emotional time as we hadn't seen Dad for nearly 2 months!
The country is booming with new skyscrapers, amazing shopping centres and lots of entertaining activities for children. I guess it will be still growing like this for a long time. It is an amazing city built in the middle of the desert! In our meeting we talked about Dubai and the Emirates all being part of the UAE (United Arab Emirates). As usual, we located it on the map, talked about Continents, language, capital city and flags. Language was a bit of a challenge as I couldn't really pronounce all the Arabic names! Who has ever read "The Arabian Nights"? or seen the film "Alladin"? Ben and Daniel have seen the movie and remembered really well when we went to the markets around Dubai and saw lots of nice lamps for sale looking exactly like the one in the film! So we brought one lamp to the meeting to show around and they talked about Genie and the lamp. Genie actually popped by to ask some questions to the children!
Oli and Alex talked about their holiday in Vanuatu and showed some amazing sea shells we all enjoyed seeing and passing them around. We certainly learned a lot of Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands that I didn't even know existed!
Our communal lunch was served based on some of the food we experienced in Dubai - hummus, pitta bread, olives, and a variety of nuts and dried fruits. Yum!
Have a look at some photos of the day below:
Dubai and Emirates presentation
Genie asking questions about Dubai
Children locating countries on the map
Vanuatu presentation
Amazing and colourful Sea Shells!!
Yum! Nice lunch!!
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